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Drink water and your brain will perform in the study

Final exam season and intense heat at the beginning of summer. A bad combination to face the study. If a correct hydration level is not maintained, our brain can be affected and performance as well. Drink water regularly and your whole body will benefit

That is why it is necessary to know the guidelines to maintain a water balance, not only in the study, but in all facets and periods of life, as stated in the first “Hydration Guide” that has been prepared by the Water and Health Research Institute in its tenth year of existence.

Water can constitute up to 85% of the brain and if it is not sufficiently hydrated it can suffer, even with a small reduction in body volume of fluids (1-2%) it can affect mood, concentration and concentration. long term memory.

In times of intense mental effort, such as exam time, being locked up for several hours in a room with heat or, even, with air conditioning, the loss of water can be noticed.

How to recognize the signs of dehydration?

To be hydrated, it is first necessary to recognize the signs that alert us to the lack of fluid in our body:
Dry mouth
Cold and dry skin
Muscular fatigue
Decreased urination and lack of desire
Decreased blood pressure, headaches, and dizziness
Lethargy and irritability

Effects of lack of water on cognitive performance
Tips for adequate hydration during the study
In situations of intense mental effort, pay special attention to meeting the water recommendations of 2-2.5 liters per day of the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA).
Follow healthy routines and habits that re-educate the body to drink water on a regular basis such as: drinking one or two glasses of water when getting up as it favors the fluid lost during sleep, the activation of the body and helps to start the day with a better mood intellectual capacity.

Always carry a bottle of water with you.
Don’t wait to be thirsty. It is recommended to drink regularly throughout the day about 150 milliliters every hour and do it in small sips to promote its absorption.
Dose the hours of study, promoting scheduled breaks in order for the brain to regain all its functional capacity. Every two hours it can be very positive to take a short break, of five or ten minutes, to clear your mind and take advantage of those breaks to get up, stretch your legs and rehydrate.

In times of exams or intense study it is important, in addition to adequate and constant hydration, to maintain a balanced diet rich in food with water (vegetables, vegetables or fruits), as well as to go for a walk or do some moderate physical activity to help to better manage stress, to maintain the optimal level of energy and to strengthen our immune system.
At lunch and dinner, drink water in small sips (1-2 glasses). This will facilitate the digestion and absorption of the nutrients and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body and the proper hydration of our brain.
Sleeping a minimum of eight hours each day contributes to optimal cognitive performance.
Drinking a glass of water in small sips before going to bed helps our kidneys to eliminate toxins and waste from the body accumulated throughout the day and to rehydrate.


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