
About Intelligent Banking

Banking is rapidly moving beyond its traditional form, and modern technologies are revolutionizing this financial industry. We have interviewed someone in this field, Mr. Duman Sahand: Mr. Duman Sahand, you used to work in the field of investment. What led…

Chinese hackers attack U.S. defense group networks, says company

Digital security consultancy Mandiant identified at least two groups of attackers who exploited a breach in a virtual private network (VPN). Chinese hackers attacked VPNs (virtual private networks) created by an American company and tried to break into networks of…

Signal founder says he found loopholes in device used by police to extract data from cell phones

Chief executive of the messaging app says he found Cellebrite equipment on the street and then discovered vulnerabilities. Recently, the company responsible for the system found a way to access Signal data. Company services are being used in the Henry…

YouTube says video in which Bolsonaro says he got away with taking chloroquine did not meet criteria for removal

A week ago, the platform updated its usage policy to take down videos that recommend hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of Covid. Until this Friday (23), five were knocked down in the president’s channel, three of which…

The trillion-dollar plan to capture CO2 from the air and cool the Earth

To do this, a gigantic new global industry would be needed – but how would it work? That answer may be key to avoiding a tragic future because of climate change. The year is 2050. Exit the Permian Basin Petroleum…

Dead Sea Scrolls: Artificial Intelligence Unravels Mystery

State-of-the-art technology revealed how two scribes ‘deceived’ modern scholars about one of the biblical texts. Ientists say they managed to show for the first time, with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), that two scribes – and not just one…

Digital artist turns Millie Bobby Brown into Hermione Granger

Recently, digital artist Jarkan posted a video of Millie Bobby Brown “acting” as Hermione Granger, originally starring the talented Emma Watson, on her YouTube channel – and the result couldn’t be more surprising. Realistic enough, the feat was achieved through…

WordPress: flaw in themes leaves 100,000 sites vulnerable

A major security vulnerability was found in WordPress themes and plugins developed by the company Thrive Themes. The company has already released a fix, but, according to security company Wordfence, the error still endangers more than 100,000 sites that have…

Technology sector company opens 200 job vacancies

The organization hopes to close the hiring stage for the new team members in the shortest possible time. axity, a Latin American company specializing in technology and information services, opened a job call for professionals from different specialties to fill…

Russia celebrates 60th anniversary of Gagarin’s space feat

With genuine pride, Russia commemorated this Monday the 60th anniversary of the feat of Yuri Gagarin, the first human being who traveled beyond Earth without having the certainty of being able to return and who allowed the Soviet Union to…